In my quest for devout coffee consciousness, I have found a number of great comic strips, including Inanimate Objects. Made by Todd Zapoli from, the two main characters are coffee mugs.

In my quest for devout coffee consciousness, I have found a number of great comic strips, including Inanimate Objects. Made by Todd Zapoli from, the two main characters are coffee mugs.
Posted by Jana at 5:57 PM 0 comments
The Nestlé Research Center in Switzerland has created a machine that serves as a "taste tester," measuring the aromatic qualities of espresso and coffee. It analyzes and assesses chemical information of the espresso into qualities like acidity and woody-ness (see image). The researchers have conducted several studies on replacing human sensory profiling and believe they have finally done it.
I don't know how I feel about this machine. I think assessing coffee quality is a matter of personal preference. I realize I am bias, but I don't think machines should replace every human experience.
What do you think?
Posted by Jana at 1:26 PM 1 comments
I've read conflicting opinions on whether coffee causes anxiety. Nevertheless, from personal and professional experience, I have decided on an opinion shared by others:
If you're a highly anxious, high-strung person, having a stressful day in hopes that coffee will make you feel better or not used to the amount of coffee you plan on drinking, then DON'T DRINK COFFEE.
Some say coffee causes you to become anxious, so avoid it all together. I believed this growing up, because I remember one time my mom was given regular coffee - she strictly stuck to decaf - and her heart raced so fast I thought she might have a panic attack. It is only partly true; avoid coffee all together if you fall under the aforementioned individuals. My mom and I are both naturally anxious people, so it makes some sense why she reacted the way she did to regular coffee.
During her college years and for the past few years, however, my mom is much more relaxed and calm, thoroughly capable of enjoying a Tall (16 oz. or "Grande," according to Starbucks) Americano made with regular espresso and Monin sugar-free almond syrup without any adverse effects. She now gets the positive effects from caffeine that most Americans receive daily: higher attentiveness, heightened mood and more.
My advice to reap the benefits from coffee consumption is to learn your limit. My daily limit is no more than 1-12 oz. brewed coffee or specialty espresso drink. Any more than that and I feel jittery and sick to my stomach.
Posted by Jana at 3:38 PM 1 comments
Your alluring aroma and smooth profile entice me. I savor your warmth. You are an earthy and peppery-spiced Columbian Supremo, a sweet and tangy Costa Rican, a dark and full-bodied French Roast and so much more. Your different flavor combinations always keep me guessing. You arouse me on many mornings and beckon me to take you - cream, sugar and every last drop of you.
Coffee, I realize that everyone loves you - more than half of Americans - but today, nobody appreciates you like I do. Today, every couple is so caught up in their passion for one another that they may take you for granted; but not me. I dedicate my love to you today, Coffee.
I will take my heart back tomorrow, though. I'm sorry, but I have to put it back where it belongs - on my sleeve.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Posted by Jana at 2:48 PM 2 comments
According to Purdue University researchers, the calorie-free sweetener saccharin -- found in the pink packets you put in your coffee like Sweet 'N' Low rather than sugar -- may make it harder to lose weight.
In their lab study, some rats were fed with saccharin-sweetened yogurt and others with natural sugar-sweetened yogurt. The ones who had saccharin consumed more calories later, causing weight and body fat gain.
The researchers think the results would be the same for aspartame sweeteners, like Equal.
The food industry is not happy about this study, pointing to other reasons for obesity in America.
I'll be interested to see the results of the same study done on humans. Until then, I'll stick to using Splenda in my coffee.
Posted by Jana at 9:04 PM 0 comments
One 12 oz. bold coffee, two Dasani water bottles, three hours and two bathroom visits later, my mouth is dry.
But it's a myth: coffee doesn't cause dehydration.
I always heard coffee made you thirsty, but it's not true.
Caffeine acts like a mild diuretic - in other words, it causes you to pee more frequently - but no more than water does. You might lose a little more fluid than usual at one time during the day, but it evens out by the end of the day.
So moderate coffee consumption - 3-4 cups daily - does not have an effect on hydration. In fact, it actually counts toward our daily fluid intake.
Posted by Jana at 8:59 PM 3 comments
Last night, my friend and I stepped outside after having just seen Persepolis and it felt like 30 degrees! Brrrrrr!
Parked on the other side of the shopping center lot, both of us tried not chattering our teeth when we talked on our way to the car. Having shivered like crazy in the car ride before the heat kicked on, I noticed it was 10:45 p.m. - 15 minutes before Saxbys closed.
I said we're going and five minutes later, we're there. Time wasn't so much the issue as was the urgency to feel warm again. Because I work there, the two guys closing were cool with us staying longer while they did their closing duties.
Ah, there's something so serene about the coffee shop environment that you can't find elsewhere. I felt warm and comfortable instantly when I entered the shop, before I had something hot to drink.
We found comfort on the large leather couches in the back corner, talking over Saxbys delicious hot chocolate made with Monin dark chocolate and white chocolate gourmet sauces (which I think are the best syrups for specialty coffee drinks).
Mmmm, it's good to be me.
Posted by Jana at 10:48 PM 1 comments
Welcome to Seriously Buzzed!
My name is Jana. I'm a college undergraduate in my senior year and pursuing a bachelors degree in communication with a journalism concentration. I'm taking an online journalism course this semester. In this class, we are required to create a blog.
Me? A blogger? It's odd I had never considered it before, because I love to share what's on my
Posted by Jana at 1:11 PM 2 comments